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255 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
United States




Below, please see our updated COVID-19 policies and guidelines after the recent re-opening of the church building, effective April 2, 2023:

*Mask-wearing is encouraged, though not required. 

*Wearing of masks continues to be an effective method to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases throughout a year.

*All pews are made available to use during worship service. Everyone is asked to remain in position in the pews during the time of “Passing Peace.”
*We resume passing of the offering plates.

*Communion is conducted using individually wrapped elements.

*After each worship service, we need your help with cleaning and maintaining our church building using the remaining disinfectant wipes and other cleaning supplies. Please see a Board member if you can serve as a cleaning volunteer.

Let us thank God for his abundant blessings on JAUC community. We continue to pray that he will protect us as we worship and fellowship together in person every week. Thank you.

JAUC Board of Directors
