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255 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
United States


Donate 献金

Donate to JAUC and help support our ministries!

Financial Donations

To donate online with a credit card, your checking/savings account, please visit our Online Donations Page. Please choose from the following:

JAUC Ministries - Support what we do
SMJ (Special Ministry to Japanese)
Jin Takahashi (Missions to Japan)

For JAUC Building Maintenance, please indicate in the note.

To pay by check, please make out your check to "Japanese American United Church." The bank no longer accepts checks made out to "JAUC". 献金の小切手は”Japanese American United Church” 宛としてください。”JAUC”の略称では銀行が受けつけてくれませんのでご協力をお願い致しします。Please indicate in the "Memo" area if you would like to specify where your donation applies.
Japanese American United Church
255 7 Avenue
New York, NY 10001

Thank you very much for your support of our ministries!